About us

Sandra Joye

Expert Job- and Topsharing

Sandra Joye is a passionate personality and strongly committed to social institutions. Since January 2023 she is reorienting herself professionally as a Coach Expert for Social Institutions. She has a lot of experience in managing marketing and fundraising. Her expertise also includes business strategy development, work integration and co-management.

Since January 2023, she is also the managing director of the umbrella organization of social institutions in Biel and the surrounding area. Since 2023 she offers coaching and training in the field of fundraising for the city of Biel and for associations and foundations, among others.

Sandra is very committed and proactive, very structured, highly motivated and very ambitious and above all her strengths are her languages: French, German (and Swiss German), English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian with basic knowledge of Russian and Arabic.

In her free time she is passionate about board and strategy games like chess (player in a chess club), she loves traveling and getting to know new cultures and traditions, having lived with locals and been a backpacker for a long time. She loves sports like swimming, skiing, badminton, cycling and climbing, music (singing and playing piano) and especially spending time with her family.

She joined PTO in 2023 because job sharing is an indispensable field for her commitment. She has worked for six years with Multimondo (www.multimondo.ch) for the work integration of people with migrant background (also as co-director, marketing and fundraising director and event manager). She believes that job sharing is an ideal solution to allow people with an immigrant background and, for example, young mothers, to integrate professionally in positions that match their career path, and that it is beneficial for both the company and the individual. Sandra is involved in acquisition, marketing, fundraising and strategy development at PTO.

Sandra is a mother of two and married. She has also been socially active as a board member of Solidarité Femmes (https://solfemmes.ch) since 2022. She is also the founder of a local association to offer cultural activities or meetings in the villages where she lives.