
Meet-up job sharing Manno – Ticino

12.11.2019 – Meet up Jobsharing Manno – Jobsharing: an innovative working model

The opportunities and challenges of job sharing: this was the topic of the debate among the forty or so participants, made up of employees from various public and private companies, HR managers and representatives of the canton and employers’ associations, at the meeting organized by SUPSI as part of the programme to promote job sharing in Ticino on 12 November.

The first part of the evening was addressed by Rachele Santoro, cantonal delegate for equal opportunities, Danuscia Tschudi, researcher at the Competence Center for Work, Welfare and Society, Davide Giunzioni, doctor and President of ASMACT, Roberto Sandrinelli, Deputy Director of the Social and Family Affairs Department, and Nicola Giambonini, Head of the Social Responsibility Department at AITI.

In the second part, the participants, divided into working groups, were able to reflect on and discuss the meaning and definition of job sharing, i.e. the division of a job and the associated responsibilities between two or three people, the possible applications, the advantages and critical aspects of this organizational model, and the personal and organizational characteristics required for job sharing to function optimally.

The evening was an important opportunity to learn more about this innovative form of working, which is not yet widespread in Ticino. It is a form of working time organization that allows men and women to occupy positions of responsibility while maintaining a balance between work and private life and promoting the sharing of knowledge and skills. It is an interesting way for public and private employers to promote the sharing of knowledge and experience, ensure continuity of service and guarantee the integration of new employees in a context characterized by increasingly rapid changes (e.g. digitalization) or by phenomena such as the ageing of the population (job sharing between a person who is about to retire and a young person).

It was emphasized that this way of thinking about working time does not only affect the two or three people directly involved in job sharing, but concerns and affects the entire organizational structure in the implementation of a general framework that favours information sharing. However, it has been shown that the investment of time and resources, especially in the implementation phase of job sharing, also brings benefits to the work of the entire team in the medium to long term. In short, it is an opportunity and a challenge for employees and the work organization that, if properly understood and addressed, can become an opportunity to promote individual and organizational well-being.